Justice of the Peace
Justice Court Processes
Misdemeanor complaints issued by Powder River County Sheriff's Office, Montana Highway Patrol, Fish Wildlife & Parks, County Attorney, Department of Livestock and Department of Transportation.
- Felony offenses: Initial Appearance and Preliminary Hearing only
- Juvenile (under 18) offenses: Traffic, Fish Wildlife & Parks, Gambling & Alcohol only
- Courtesy Appearances on other Jurisdiction Warrants
We in Justice Court are pleased to assist you but we cannot give legal advice. You will need to consult an attorney for any legal question.
Helpful Links and Information
PO Box 692
Broadus, MT 59317
Phone: (406) 436-2503
Fax: (406) 436-2513
Cathy Landa, Justice of the Peace
Leslie Moran, Court Clerk
Barb Mitchell, Court Clerk
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Monday & Tuesday
1:30 pm